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Yo New York City! Get your Smorgasburg On!

Yo New York City! Get your Smorgasburg On!

Apr 19, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Do you enjoy food and open-air markets in the NYC area? If so, then we’ve got an event for you. The food buffs in Brooklyn get to unite again this year each week at the biggest open-air food market in the US: Smorgasburg. Every Saturday at the Williamsburg waterfront and every Sunday in Prospect Park you can visit Smorgasburg and enjoy purchasing food from over one hundred New York vendors.

Smorgasburg's History

Smorgasburg opened its market on May 21, 2011, inspired by the Brooklyn Flea market, which started in 2008. Since Smorgasburg’s inception, this event helped several small businesses get their start while drawing over a million people to the open-air market. Every weekend, between 20,000 and 30,000 individuals find their way to the market to eat food purchased from the various vendors. In fact, the event is so popular that The New York Times nicknamed Smorgasburg “The Woodstock of Eating.”

Smorgasburg offers much more than just food and markets for attendees. Some other attractions Smorgasburg hosted over the years include concessions at Central Park SummerStage, overseeing Berg’n (a beer and food joint located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn), and a pop-up food/hall beer garden found in the Seaport District.


Smorgasburg’s popularity and excellent, tasty food allowed it to expand to the other side of the United States, Los Angeles. Each week since 2016 Smorgasburg also hosts a year-round, once weekly market in Downtown Los Angeles. Smorgasburg’s California market offers over 65 vendors.

In 2016 Smorgasburg also opened a third market, called Smorgasburg Upstate, located at the Hutton Brickyards in Kingston, NY. This market operates one weekend each month from May through October and includes 60 vendors.

With so much food, fun, and socializing to offer, you won’t want to miss Smorgasburg this year.

If you want more information on events like Smorgasburg, stick with us here at Eventcombo. At Eventcombo, we offer you the most up-to-date event information and provide you with an option to sell your tickets online through our website.

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